Case study: Franklin Lumber capital budgeting procedures

Course Content
Lecture Meeting #12: Dividend Policy
Topic: Concept and Analysis of Financial Statements, An Overview of the Firm’s Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online Tutorials Lecturer: Dr. Dadan Rahadian Schedule: 2 - 4 November 2023 In this course, student will learn about the fundamentals of dividend policy, the dividend policy theory, the constant payout ratio of dividend policy, regular dividend policy, and stock dividends. Please use the "Class Discussion" as discussion space to ask or respond to questions relevant to the appropriate sub-topic. Your activities in the "Class Discussion" are the basis for determining your attendance at this meeting.
Lecture Meeting #14: Investment Evaluation
Topic: Investment Evaluation Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online Guest Lecturer: Dr. Dadan Rahadian Schedule: 9 - 11 November 2023 In this course, student will learn about the motives and process of capital budgeting, decision making and project evaluation, cash flow, initial investment
Strategic Financial Decision-Making: Dividend Policy, Investment Evaluation, and Capital Budgeting Strategies
About Lesson

Case Pertemuan 13 Evaluasi Investasi – Franklin Lumber_2-Discuss and answer this case in groups in the discussion space bellow that has been prepared for each group. Before the 14th lecture meeting, no later than 15 Nov 2023 at 23:59, each group must submit the results of the case discussion in presentation format (PPT) and calculations (Exel).