Course Details

OCW Open CourseWare (OCW) Fakultas Informatika (FIF)
Matematika Diskrit: Pemahaman Mendalam tentang Graf dalam Empat Bagian
Last Update:

June 27, 2024


About Course

General AnnouncementsForum
General news and announcements.
Supporting Documents

Course Plan Discrete Mathematics (2020)

RPS Matematika Diskrit (2020)

How to edit your profile picture in LMS?

How to edit your profile picture in MS Team

Notification Activation in LMS


Telegram Channel for Backup Communication
Telegram Channel for Backup Communication (IF-46-01.1PJJ and IF-46-01.2PJJ)
Please join the following Telegram channel as a backup for our communication of the Discrete Mathematics class at IF-46-01.1PJJ and IF-46-02.1PJJ.

Course Content

Topic 10: Graphs Part 3 and 4 (Topik 10: Graf Bagian 3 dan 4)

Student Ratings & Reviews

No Review Yet
No Review Yet
  • Instructor
    Telkom University
  • Language