Topic 4: Recurrence Relation (Topik 4: Relasi Rekurensi)

Course Content
CII1G3 (Discrete Mathematics, School of Computing, Telkom University)
Matematika Diskrit: Dari Dasar Relasi hingga Pemahaman Fungsi dan Relasi Rekurensi
About Lesson


EN: Welcome to Topic 4 about Recurrence Relation. After completing this topic, you are expected to:


  • LO-01: understand the definition of recurrence relation and its relevance in computer science,
  • LO-02: know how to model simple problems using recurrence relations,
  • LO-03: know the characteristic of linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficient,
  • LO-04: know how to determine the solution of a linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficient.


ID: Selamat datang di Topik 4 mengenai Relasi Rekurensi. Setelah menyelesaikan topik ini, Anda diharapkan menguasai capaian berikut:


  • LO-01: mengetahui definisi dari relasi rekurensi dan relevansinya dalam ilmu komputer.
  • LO-02: mampu memodelkan masalah sederhana dengan relasi rekurensi.
  • LO-03: memahami karakteristik relasi rekurensi linier homogen berkoefisien konstan.
  • LO-04: mampu mencari solusi dari relasi rekurensi linier homogen berkoefisien konstan.