
Course Content
Jelajahi Dunia Internet of Things (IoT): Sejarah, Industri, dan Keamanan
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Petunjuk Praktikum

Dalam packet tracer, PT Activity merupakan petunjuk praktikum secara langsung, silahkan gunakan langsung dalam format packet tracer


Packet Tracer – Securing Cloud Services in the IoT


Deploy Basic Security Measures for IoT Systems with Cloud Services.

Background / Scenario

ABC Compnay is developing IoT systems in their main warehouse. The objective is to deploy some physical security devices around the warehouse so that, when the warehouse is closed, these devices will monitor the doors and windows. When an intruder is detected, the lights are turned on and web cameras will start recording.

The security is an important aspect in addition to the function of IoT systems with cloud services.

In this Packet Tracer activity you will complete configuration tasks:

·        Register four IoT devices in the ABC Company warehouse: a motion detector, a directed light, a webcam, and a trip sensor. Add conditions in the registration server so that when either the motioin detector or the trip sensor is activated, the directed light and webcam will turn on.

·        Configure the warehouse router to require strong authentication for console and remote access.

·        Configure ACLs to restrict network traffic between the registration server and the ABC Company warehouse.

·        Configure the web server in the cloud service provider network to ensure that data communication is secure.

Required Resources

·        Packet Tracer 7.1

Step 1 – Register IoT Devices to the Registration Server

·        Add a user to the registration server www.registrar1.pka with a strong password:

1.      Use a PC in the WH office. Under Desktop tab, open Web Browser, type www.registrar1.pka and select Go. The Registration Server Login window displays.

2.      Click Sign up now and create your own account with a strong password (ensure a password is at least 8 characters long with combination of capital characters, lower case characters, and numbers).

3.      What is your username and password? _____________________________

·        Register IoT devices to the registration server:

1.      Within the warehouse, click on Motion Detector. Under the Config tab, select Remote Server in the IoT Server section. Enter www.registrar1.pka as the server address and click Connect. Enter the username/password you just created.

2.      Does Motion Detector appear in the registration server? ________________


          3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to register the Light, Webcam, and Trip Sensor.

Step 2 – Add Conditions in the Registration Server

You will add conditions in the registration server so that when either the Motion Detector or Trip Sensor is activated, the directed light and the webcam are turned on.

·        Log in to the registration server using the username/password you created.

Do you see four IoT devices listed? ______________________________


·        Click Conditions and add following three conditions:

1.      Name it LightsOn1, if MD status On is true, then set Directed Light status to On AND set CAM status On to true.

2.      Name it LightsOn2, if TS status On is true, then set Directed Light status to On AND set CAM status On to true.

3.      Name it LightsOff, if both MD status On is false AND TS status On is false, then set Directed Light status to Off AND set CAM status On to false.

4.      Test the conditions.

Hold the ALT key and move the mouse over Motion Detector. Are Directed Light and Webcam turned on?